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2014 Annual presentations

The players enjoying the post-game BBQ

Steve Kohut Jnr & Steve Kohut Snr

Slawko Kohut & Leon Charuckyj

Peter Masendycz

Mick Senjov & Mykola Charenko

Natalia Kohut & Liz Michaelsen

Michael Masendycz & Roman Popowycz

Michael Masendycz & Roman Popowycz

Mark Lyszczarz, Stan Niemczyk & Peter Masendycz

Mark Lyszczarz & George Makohon

Marijka Kohut & Wally Kolody

Marijka Kohut & Tony Kastropil

Lee Michaelsen & Richard Lyszczarz

Jordan Willmott

Jim Petrie (ex member), Danny Ward

Jim Petrie & Andrew Hluchanic

Jerry Cymbalak

Jerry Cymbalak, Michael Gembarovski, Jordan Willmott

Eugene Michaelsen & Natalia Kohut

Eugene & Lee Michaelsen

Danny Ward

Danny Ward & Jordan Willmott

Club Championship Best Net winner - Leon Charuckyj

Club Championship Best Gross - Steve Kohut Jnr

2014 Aggregate winner - Leon Charuckyj
3-7 March - New Zealand

Osija Anolak & Kay

Mykola & Julie Charenko

Mick Senjov

Mick Senjov & Tony Kastropil

Mick & Denise Senjov

Michael Zylan, Marijka Kohut & Mick Senjov

Love this photo! Michael Kwas, Marijka & Slawko Kohut

Marijka Kohut, Tatiana Zachariak & Slawko Kohut

Michael & Nadia Zylan

Michael & Maria Kwas

Marijka Kohut & Maria Kastropil

Marijka & Slawko Kohut

Marijka & Slawko Kohut

Maria & Tony Kastropil

John Semaniuk

Greg Anolak

John & Trish Semaniuk

Tony Kastropil

Tony Kastropil, Mick Senjov, Michael Gembarovski

Slawko Kohut

Tony Kastropil, Michael Gembarovski
29 - 30 March - Lakes Entrance

Steve Kohut Jnr & onlookers

Steve Galas, Stefania & Michael Zylan

Richard Lyszczarz, John Ward

Charlie Lesiw, Steve Felniak, George Makohon, Ihor Radywyl

Wally Magalas

The players

Steve Podolczak & Steve Hubik
7-8 June - Syd/Melb

Michael Brecko, Lydia Lesiw

The Syd/Melb players

Sydney contingent

Roman Popowycz & Todd Farmer

Roman Popowycz, Steve Brecko & Michael Lesiw

You can take the men out of the boys, but you can't take the boys out of the men

How cute is that!

The Sydney winners